Future Goals

Greg will continue to be tough on crime and at the same time administer justice fairly and impartially. Holding criminals accountable is in the best interests of our community and it is necessary to have good order in society.

Greg Will Continue

To relentlessly pursue sex offenders, child pornographers, and sex predators who victimize our children and others in our community.

To prosecute drug dealers and repeat felony drunk drivers. 

To be a strong advocate for victims and apply Marsy’s law to further protect victim’s constitutional rights.

Continue working with the presiding judge, local law enforcement, treatment providers, and probation parole agents in maximizing the use of Shawano County’s drug court program.  Today our drug court is at full capacity with 12 participants. The program is now in its sixth year.

COMPLETED! Upgraded District Attorney’s Office PROTECT software to efficiently transfer police reports and digital evidence to the defense for case preparation. For the last two and a half years we have built a program with all of the law enforcement agencies in Shawano County to transfer their police reports, body camera and digital evidence to the DA Office. This digital evidence is now being digitally transferred to defense attorneys for cases that they handle in court.

COVID-19 Response

The COVID–19 virus pandemic has affected all of our lives since March 2020. Greg and his dedicated staff continued to work at the District Attorney’s office every business day without fail (unless someone was on vacation). Criminals did not take a break during COVID and neither did Greg, his prosecutors, or his staff. Greg is dedicated in keeping the community safe under any circumstances. 

Husband, father, man of faith, military veteran, and your district attorney.